Dec 9, 2010

Accountant Attack 2: Fresh Blood

So I've had some accountants in one of my classes this entire semester and I've been extremely nice to them but decided it was time to wreak some havoc with them on the last day of class.  Now you may have read about when I did this last year ( Here here and here).  Same set up.  Four accountants who religiously sit in the same seats every single day.  (Just for the record these are NOT the same accountants as last year, they just all act the same way)  Our class starts at 10:45, the class before ours gets out at 10:30, the accountants are usually standing outside the door chomping at the bit to get to their seats at 10:28 (The teacher from the class before ours actually complained to our professor about them standing by the door and trying to get in early).  They were just begging for something to be done so I worked with my PIC from Accountant Attack 1, Adrienne, and came up with a plan to throw their world into a tailspin.

I new we had to do everything right or it wouldn't work out, kind of like Oceans 11, so I actually got to school 90 minutes before my class started to leave my backpack in the seat I was going to take just to improve our odds, but I also knew they wouldn't hesitate to move it to get to their seats. ( I have actually seen an accountant move someones backpack so they could get their regular seat).  I've learned that collateral damage does not matter to an accountant trying to stick to their routine so the backpack would only hold them off for so long.  So at 10:29 I was having a nice conversation with my friend Jane until I noticed the time.  I yelled "Got to go, we'll finish this later" as I sprinted away towards the class.  Adrienne was already there and we grabbed our seats just before the first of them walked in.

The row of seats only had 7 seats so we sat in the middle so all four couldn't all sit there.  Now what makes this all worth it was seeing their faces when they walk in the room.  So here's how it went down.

Adrienne and I take the middle seats leaving 3 open to my right.
Male Accountant 1 walks in and sees us and stops and stares confused, looks around, checks his watch, cleans his glasses and then stares back at us again.  Eventually walks over and sits to my right and puts his coat on the other 2 seats to save them.
Female Accountants 1 and 2 walk in and stop, staring in disbelief and I see a fury that can only come from staring at balance sheets for too long start to bubble up inside their heads.  Male Accountant 1 waves them over to the saved seats.
FA 1& FA2 sit down and from what I could hear their conversation went like this.
FA1 "What the heck are they doing?  Why would someone take our seats? They know we sit there everyday"
FA2 "I don't know!!  I mean we've sat there like every day for like the entire semester!"
FA1 "You just don't take someones seat like that.  I mean if they drop the class or something you can but otherwise you don't."
FA2 "I mean we've sat there the entire class, you don't do that on the last day.  I mean we sit there everyday!"
Then Male Accountant 2 walks in and stops confused that there's no seat for him and slowly the reality that he will have to sit somewhere else in the classroom hits him like a box full of pocket protectors.  It looked like FA1&2 and MA1 were just shrugging at him like they didn't know what was going on but I'm sure that telepathically they were sending messages about a plan to murder us after class,  and he eventually decides to sit across the room.  Every once in a while FA1 or FA2 would send him a sympathetic wave to let him know that they still considered him to be part of their elite community.
About halfway through class MA2 got up and left class, I could only assume to set up a trap for us after class, probably some sort of tiger pit lined with freshly sharpened #2 pencils along the bottom.  Fortunately Adrienne and I outsmarted them again.  The accountants always walked out the back door, and we usually did too but just to change the routine Adrienne and I walked out the front. The accountants never saw that coming.


Amy said...

This is incredibly funny to me. There's nothing more annoying than a paranoid number cruncher. An hour before class... they save seats a whole HOUR before class?!?!?! This is ridiculous.

Unknown said...

I had way too much fun reliving Accountant Attack 2. We make a great team PJ.

Anonymous said...

Incredible!! Wow. They had it coming. I mean, who sits in the same seat every day all semester and doesn't expect someone to steal their seat!! Thank you both for your actions, you are an inspiration.

Rosemary Campbell said...

I think you should send this to the Chrony.

Anonymous said...

A well execute attack, I feel an Oceans 14 coming into play nicely with this scene, I would warn you of the secret code of zeros and one's they write in, mastering of this is a must in order to avoid any sort of 0100110 (that is code for #2 pencil) trap. FYI their classic trap would be 100110100010100000-0
Nate J

Sarah said...

This is why I am proud to be your cousin.

Steve said...

That is awesome! You do realize tha this probably disrupted their entire day routine and they probably couldn't sleep...collateral damage is so sweeeeeet!