Dec 9, 2009


So I took a sick day on Monday and today was my last day of Econ so I knew I had to make it count with the accountants (pun possibly intended). Since they usually get in the class room about an hour early to save their seats we had to plan ahead and I recruited a dozen other people to help me. Right after our marketing class got out 2 hours before, we just left our stuff in the room to save our seats. We had so many people that they were completely displaced. I unfortunately wasn't in the room when they came in but sources tell me that they came in and said "What the heck is this?". I received many, many crusties during the class (partly because the lady in my class that looks like and angry Hilary Clinton told them that we were messing with them) and I was afraid of getting stabbed by a number 2 pencil after class. (Thanks Taylor for giving me an eternal fear of them). Luckily I escaped unscathed because it is a well known fact that only extremely extroverted accountants can look up from their shoes to to attack someone, and none of these are extroverted. Even if they had been I was prepared to stare them down. I don't think any of them could have handled losing their seats AND getting a world class stare down from someone they don't know in the same day. Something would explode. Anyway, thanks to all those who made our anti-accountant sit-in a success! We'll just have to see what next semester brings.

1 comment:

Sarah said...