Dec 7, 2010

Today is a good day because

Even doctors and engineers tell jokes : Your mama's so fat that she should probably be concerned about the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Your mama's so fat that when she dives into a swimming pool she displaces a proportionately larger volume of water than people with less body mass

It's one of my best friends Natalies Birthday today!!!

Pearl Habor is in the past (but not forgotten)

Clean laundry is clean laundry even if its not folded and in drawers

One final project down, 3 to go

"Accountant Attack 2: Fresh Blood" will be premiering tomorrow in my strategy class (Check back for details)

You don't have to be terribly smart to be a business professor (Jeff callate la boca o te rompo la jeta)

I have several pairs of very warm socks

I found my slippers

I'm going out of town in a few weeks to new places

Hairy legs are a good thing in the winter


Rosemary Campbell said...

even for girls?

Jefe said...

la jeta? no idea what argentinian jibberish that is. but since your ego is so delicate, i won't question your ability to calculate percentages.

Jonathan said...

I had calculated the increase, not the return fool

Jefe said...

no are still getting it backwords. thats ok. i'm sure Goldman Sachs is hiring.