Feb 8, 2011

Lets talk Marketing

So there I was, it was the first day of my last semester of school forever.  I thought I had my schedule all finalized and that I had a venture finance class that night.  Well 30 minutes before it was supposed to start I decided to check what building the class was in. When I checked I realized the class didn't start until March 28th. Perfect. I was about to head home to stuff myself with home made nachos but I decided to check my transcript just to double check everything before I left.  Luckily I did because I found out that I was 1.5 credits short of my graduation requirement and that would have really just sucked to not graduate when I was planning to.  So at 5:43pm I added a 1.5 credit marketing class that started at 6pm.  And with that one little click of the mouse life ended.  Sort of.  You'll get the point though.

The teacher is an adjunct (I usually enjoy these because it's a different perspective on things) - Someone who's not a PhD but has worked in the industry long enough to be an expert.  Supposedly.

The first class she explained to us the difference between qualitative and quantitative data cause she didn't think we knew.  Not a good start.

She likes to bring in marketing managers from local companies to talk to us about what they do.  Usually this would be a good idea.  Except for when its her best friend who talks for 2 (two, dos, duh) hours about twitter and keeps saying "I really should go....but I'll tell you one more story." And then it was one more, and one more and one more.....  I wanted to tweet at her to tell her to stop.

After the marketing director of 1-800 Contacts (a very numbers focused person) had left after speaking to us she said "I really don't understand alot of what he talked about.  I'd probably do it differently."

She gives us assignments to analyze articles about companies with some sort of problem.  In these assignments we're supposed to make suggestions for the company to fix it's problem.  The real problem - it's an article that already tells how the company fixed their problem.  Her suggestion?  Be creative and come up with another solution.........

My group didn't get full credit on a paper/presentation.  The paper was limited to 2 pages so we put some info in the presentation instead of the paper to keep it to 2 pages.  We got docked for not having it in the paper.  We decided to talk to her and tell her how we had put the info in the presentation.  Her answer?  We should have gone over the 2 page limit like all the other groups to include all the info.

Here is our conversation from tonight-
Teacher - "You can't get an A on every assignment."
Me - "Why not?"
Teacher - "You just can't.  B's are good too."

 Any questions?


Anonymous said...

That is awesome, i love bitter teachers that never got A's so they think the world cannot get A's. Great story

Jefe said...

condense this to 140 characters and tweet it to her.